The Pressures of being in College in your Last Year.
College is a roller coaster depends how you look at it. I decided to write about something I am going to deal with later in life which is called college graduation. This is my third time coming back and 3 years have passed and I am finally graduating. I dropped out of college because of low grades, social anxiety, and not knowing how to manage time. Along the first two attempts, I made new friends new connects, and even learned some new trades that could help me in my future life. I also did excessive partying and drinking on social occasions to make new connects. Although my attempts in college were not up to par, I felt the need to give it a try after my job, White Castle shut down in my town. The reason for me being in college currently is because I wanted to do something different that had nothing to do with food along with learning some new things. Being bored is also partial reason’s I am in college. I felt that since I gone passed my Jr. year and now going into my Senior, I am now experiencing the pressures of the last ride. As a student going for Applied BA of Behavior Science, this is something I want to do because I like to learn about mental health and how it works. I also dealt with angry customers, An assistant G.M who would give me problems just for reactions, laughs, and giggles just to get me upset (ungrateful sucker) and does not know what stop means, a former G.M which was my g.m before the store closed who was a total hater because before college; I had a nice vocabulary because I use to read a lot and sometimes she be so dumb, I would have to dumb down simple directions to get task finished, and co-workers who did not know simple things like the difference between left and right. She literally yelled at me because I used the word, “Ambivalent” in a conversation. I can see that she does not know how to use it so she yelled at me about it. If I got in trouble for using the world ambivalent in a sentence, that just means I am too smart to be working with or for that dumbass.
After White Castle in Richmond, Indiana closed down, my goal in life is to finish school so I do not become an ignorant stuck up one dimensional snob like my g.m or assistant g.m. Not saying college will make you a better person or better than anyone else but in this case, a degree will help you elevate to a better career so you do not have to apply at your square 1 job’s. I am not mocking my Assistant G.M or former G.M intelligence to be funny but these people are the reasons why I decided to take my butt back to college because of all the ignorant commodities I had to deal with or put up with.
You do not have to deal with the same experience I have in order to go to college. Not all of this determination to go to college wasn’t just them, it was also called boredom and wanting to do something different with your life. You do not necessarily have to have a bad experience or do it just to do it. Instead, all it takes is drive, determination, and grit. These semesters taught me how to manage my time and since I am taking online classes, this makes things much easier and fun to learn because in the classroom, there would be times I would have a distraction or I would distract someone. I also get different vibes from instructors who may teach to reach their students level or they may be strict in order to help us learn more or be more organized.
After the 3rd time being in college, I felt that it got me further and I have learned so much hitting them books along with time management on how to turn assignments in on time, how to follow directions, and how to approach these weekly discussions. Conversations with friends got me writing a list of what is the struggles of the senior in college and how to cope with this.
Missing all my friends, professors, and peers among me
I am not a social media person but lately, this has been a way to keep track of those who are your friends. I have an Instagram and Pinterest for fun but a LinkedIn for professional purposes. I felt that the LinkedIn account will also be a great way to connect with your college classmates because you can see the success that is coming there way but also share and trade ideas. You can also endorse those on work or school trade. Instagram is also a great platform to use because pictures speak a million words and I find it useful because you can also find ideas or pics sort of like my personal favorite, Pinterest.
Finding a job or the career you got your degree for
This part is scary because even though I can use my Applied BA of Behavior Science degree for anything, my main goal is to work as a school councilor because I want to see kid’s graduate. Building your skills can be hard depends where you look, but if your like me wanting to work in the mental health field, volunteer work at a nearby school or Adult Education Center can help build a notch on your resume. In the conversation where I mentioned the struggles for working for a disrespectful idiotic imbecile like my former assistant g.m or a closed minded biased tedious dunce like my former g.m, those two are the reasons I choose to find a different field to work in but after all that work and me not finding the job that helps me accomplish my academic goals does not mean for me to give up. Keep your options going and always update your resume. Key words and terms will help the boss understand your purpose and you should never give up on what you want to do. It is okay to go back to the drawing board and come up with your plan b but having a gut instinct will help you be fearless as you show future employers what you are here for.
College Debt
Now this is tough. Sometimes college kids will go live with their parents or guardians to help stack up to pay back the loans they owe. I had to school myself on financial aid and how it works. Yes, it is hard to help pay off your college but keeping a job throughout college will help you erase this all. I even had to work two jobs to keep track of what is going on and the best bet is for kids to live with their parents or someone until it’s paid. This does not mean freeload of them but help your parents with the bills and groceries and do not buy a fancy car. If a girl turns you down because you got a high degree but a beat down car, she is not a support system, she is a distraction. If you have no license or car, you should be alright, just learn to budget and know what to pay to stay on track on your payments.
How to utilize your degree
I have friends who got big degrees in medical science that they will never use. This does not mean they are not going into that work field. If you have to, travel and keep your options open. If you have LinkedIn, this is a perfect search engine to help jump start to the career you earned your degree for. Just because you cannot find the job with your degree does not mean you should give up. It is also like a normal job where the hiring process is difficult and people all across the world come for the same thing. Look at it like a starving musician. There are a million of them so they are here for the same purpose as you. Keep your options open and if the job hires you that has nothing to do with your degree, as long as they come with benefits, a great pay, and insurance, take it because something is better than nothing.